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Fighting world hunger

Saturday, January 17, 2009

'An Inconvincible Truth'

e are proud of India for its growing economy, its global impact in business; which has the foreign reserves greater than the required, according to International Monetary Fund (IMF). But the other side of the story is often unspoken!

Mumbai with largest slum area, high buildings and slum live together happily, courtesy:gallery.hd.orgindex1.jsp
One side, we have many kharabpaties (billionaires), some of the best companies in the world, hi-Tech cities, shopping malls, international brands etc. Our economy, science and technology, IT; is discussed all over the world and this is something we can proud of. As we have much diversity, there are many kangalpaties (penniless), biggest slums and child beggars greeting you at every signal, telling the unspoken story.

The disparity in India is alarmingly increasing; courtesy: abc news abc.net.auThe recent FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) report ‘The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2008’ reveals that India stands 66th of 88 countries in Global Hunger Index (GHI). The situation in India is worse than many African countries. Even in South Asian countries it is better than only Bangladesh. According India State Hunger Index (ISHI), the worst affected Madhya Pradesh can be compared with Ethiopia and Chad. Jharkhand and Bihar follow MP in hunger and malnutrition.

Projecting India's darker side; courtesy: mtv.com‘Slumdog Millionaire’ critically acclaimed all over the world, to be released on 23 Jan, 2009 in India; portrays the life of in a slum. Though, all slum dwellers are not fortunate like Jamaal to have two million rupees and a girl friend too. The movie may be criticized for showing the poor, undeveloped India to the world. But, becoming an ostrich, can we conceal the ground realities? Should we not reveal the dark side to the world?

Smiling India

2008 Critics Choice Awards winner for Best Composer, became the first Indian national to win a Golden Globe, winning for Slumdog Millionaire in the category of Best Original Score; courtesy: wikipedia.org

A R Rahman- The Golden Globe Winner

Crying India

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