“History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”–Karl MarxThe history repeats when we make way for the emulation of past. The demand of new state of Telangana out of existing state of Andhra Pradesh out of the local politics is not surprising.
The states created on the recommendation of The States Reorganization Act 1956 should have been the last division of India on the basis of language or area. We may justify the linguistic bifurcation for the smooth development of the states. But bifurcation on the basis of development in some part of the state may not be justified. Analysts conclude that the demand of new states is always stemmed more from compulsions of electoral politics rather than any genuine desire to fulfill the aspirations of the local people.
"The creation many new states has been conceptualized and they all are in queue just waiting for their vibrant and more aggressive leader."
This is the time for Telangana Rashtriya Samiti (TRS) to emulate for their politics. The set back got in the Lok Sabha as well as Assembly elections gave them the right platform to go for the introspection. Only 2 seats in Lok Sabha Elections and 10 out of 45 contested might have taught them the Indian way of local politics.
The demand may be favorable for the people in long run, but the development issue should be taken with utmost care by the union government and the state governments. There should be proper allocation of funds for all parts of the state. Whole state should enjoy the growth and development uniformly. We can have a Development Commission like Election Commotion at the center for keeping a watch on these differences. At present instead of creating a new state there should be exclusive development programs for not only the concerned but all those areas which will be found to be underdeveloped.If some politicians are able to buckle the government by provoking the people taking advantage of their emotions, then the political blackmailing will go on dividing the entire country into fragments. Creation of Vidarbha from Maharastra, Koshal from Orissa, Maroo Pradesh from Rajasthan, Harit Pradesh form Utter Pradesh, Tululand from Karnataka, Gorakhaland from West Bengal and Jammu from J & K…. (This list continues); has been conceptualized and they all are in queue just waiting for their vibrant and more aggressive leader.